Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Know Your League: das Kampfschwein

by: Paris Nevada, special to RealNFL

das Kampfschwein, loosely translated to “Dancing Piglets” in English, are “managed," if you can call it that, by Steve (Little Lady) Willis.  In his fourth season, with his fourth team name, Little Lady makes his fourth attempt to crack the top 7.  Sadly for the fourth time, Little Lady is destined to sashay away without the thrill of a winning season.  He tries hard, talks loudly, but ultimately can’t deliver.

Despite the disappointment year after year (save a fluke run two years ago),  at least Little Lady stays positive and he is absolutely right when he reassures himself over and over that though he may not be cut out to manage a mediocre Fantasy Football team, at least the Saints have pretty uniforms. Keep your chin up Little Lady.

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